SL Medical
Gluthione 600 mg
Gluthione 600 mg
Gluthione ( Reduced L-Glutathione) 600 mg
1.) Makes your skin flawless.
2.) Improves pigmentation of the skin such as melasma, scars, improper chemical peel and post chicken pox.
3.) It helps the skin look smoother and achieve even color.
4.) It is an anti-oxidant and enhances liver function.
5.) It also helps prevent diseases of the eye such as disorder of eyeball tissues, cornea, cataract, and optic nerve.
Glutathione competes with the receptor that causes Tyrosinase activity thus inhibiting it. Tyrosinase inhibition reduces the formation of unwanted pigmentation allowing for the control over skin tone and brown spots. Light skin will then reveal and evenly change your complexion from within. Continuous and consistent use will result into gradual skin lightening until you reach the skin tone you desire.
Gluthione power
The youthful vitality and is an antioxidant.
Anti-oxidant in the body will get rid of free radicals
Free radicals that cause bad body cells deteriorate effectively. But we often do not get from eating naturally or from supplements because much was destroyed in the gut. Substance glutathione are numerous benefits by preventing the deterioration of the body.
Boost the immune system And implementation of the system within the body
The skin also inhibits the production of melanin, the body too much so. People who get the nutrients your skin flawless white skin look healthier or better people. our skin flawless white skin look healthier or better people.
Product Description: Gluthione glutathione 600mg
Net Content: 600mg * 10 (1 Inj IV Set = 1 Vial)